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What is a diastasis recti?


It is a disorder of the function and structure of the abdominal muscles, which is manifested by a significant bulging in the midline of the body, forming the so-called "cone". It occurs during an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, e.g. when lifting the head up, lifting, sneezing or coughing.

Additional symptoms include: feeling of a hole in the abdomen and weak abdominal muscles, wrinkled skin, feeling of lack of integration with your body, back pain. Stretching the line and partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet at the midline of your stomach occurs physiologically in every pregnant woman around 35 weeks. The abdominal muscles have to move apart and the limits have to be stretched to make room for the growing uterus, baby and organs. During pregnancy, in order to take care of our abdominal muscles, we can follow the ergonomics of everyday life and certain recommendations that serve as a prevention of excessive and premature separation. These are, among others: Getting out of bed from the side Correct breathing techniques Appropriate toilet habits, e.g. using a stool when passing stools, eliminating the pressure on the toilet. Taking care of posture as well as appropriate habits and movement patterns on a daily basis. Coughing, sneezing by twist. Avoidance of situations that strongly involve increase of the abdominal pressure, e.g. pushing, lifting or pulling heavy objects. Adequate diet to eliminate constipation. Physical activity appropriate and dedicated to pregnant women.

After delivery, the muscles should come closer together spontaneously and the stretched end should return to its flexibility and function. However, not all women regenerate on their own. If you notice symptoms of a rectal stretch mark during pregnancy or after childbirth, see a physiotherapist. He will select the therapy and exercises accordingly to help you recover faster and prevent further issues.



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